Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4

There isn't much happening here in Masaka, not a lot to do unless you have something to do like go to the orphanage, but Robert has been in Kampala doing his drivers licenses for the past 2 days. So yesterday we tagged along with Bree and the other med students to some meetings about where to donate microscopes. it was  interesting to see how their hospitals work.
We were invited to eat lunch at a woman's house (she works with the foundation that Bree's group has been working with) her name was Betty and she cooked us some amazing food! (well compared to what we've had)
the avocados and pineapples here are delicious!

We've been spending evenings at our local, a bar about 200m from our house. the owner, John, challenged Westy to a game of pool (best of 3) we all got a free round of beers from Westy's win (Nile Special) yay!

We wash our clothes in tubs of water - old school way, I don't think we are doing a very good job of it though.

not much to report any way, we might search for some chameleons later, they are apparently around and very pretty. oh also! there are these gigantic storks that hang around the city eating rubbish and perched in trees, some of the trees have 6 or 7 nests in them. they are really creepy and look like vultures.

thats all for now, jump on Facebook if you want to see photos! I've put a few up but can only do one at a time so it takes ages.

bye for now!

PS. here they call us Mzungu (white people) a man walked past the other day and said "how are you mzungu?"

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh Megan! Just looking through all your photos is making me want to be there with you SO badly! Mum and I have been ooohing and ahhhhing over them, I'm def going with you next time!
    I'm glad you're having fun! What's the weather like??
    Keep in touch as you are, it's awesome reading about it all! Love to Bree and Westy!
    x x
