Saturday, January 21, 2012

We weren't mauled by lions! or anything else!

WOOP! talking to you from Arusha, Tanzania. We are at the Impala Hotel where our guide, Joseph dropped us off after our Safari in Tanzania, but I suppose I should start at the beginning from when I last posted.

From Uganda to Kenya - an awful journey from Kampala to Nairobi by bus, the roads in Kenya are absolutely terrible, my teeth were grinding the entire time and often it felt like we were on a boat rocking from side to side. this was the only vehicle I had been in where they actually advised us to wear seat belts - well, the only one where seat belts were an option! haha. We arrived in Nairobi after about 15 hours on the bus and caught a taxi to the back packers - it was a pretty cool place with friendly staff and you could swap a book for one in the book case to take with you, unfortunately most were in another language so we didn't bother.

We were picked up at 7:30AM by David our safari guide for the Kenyan side - Amboseli National Park (where you can see Mt Kilimanjaro dominate the plains. We weren't half an hour out of Nairobi - the capital, when we saw two giraffe in the bush on the side of the highway.
We arrived at our first campsite (Kibo) and were blown away - these were permanent tents that were more like 5 star hotel rooms -so much for budget camping safaris!
anyway, in Amboseli we saw hundreds of elephants and their babies, a hyena family, a glimpse of a cheetah and some blue balled monkeys (black faced vervots) we saw some lions but not as cool as in the other parks.

Im not going to have time to go into a lot of detail, but after two days at Amboseli with David, we crossed the border to Kenya and met our Tanzanian guide, Joseph, he was a lovely, funny old man (Babu - means old man) we drove to Arusha and met our cook, Asifali or Sifa for short, he was sweet, always looked worried and asked if everything was ok, his cooking was 5 star quality, his soup was outstanding - we found out his secret ingredient too... chicken stock!

 Anyways, we went to Lake Manyara, saw hippos and baboons and blue monkeys and zebra and wilderbeast and buffalo, elephants, warthogs etc. highlight - blue monkeys playing

from there to Serengeti where we saw some lions up close lazing around in the grass. we also saw leopards lazing in trees! banded mongoose, rock hyrax and dikdiks (small deer) on the way to Ngorongoro we saw Hyena rampaging into a flock of vultures and stealing the body of a gazelle that had been hit by a car - so cool!

from there to Ngorongoro which was freezing cold at night! we came from there today and saw some AWESOME lioness action - one stalking some zebra but failed! and saw rhinos too.

anyway by for now!

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